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How Lady Gaga “beats” back Chronic Pain

Lady Gaga’s “Joanne” – Honors strength and bravery in spite of pain.  In November, Lady Gaga disclosed to fans her ongoing struggle with chronic pain.  Chronic pain is a condition that more that 100 million Americans face everyday.

“Having a frustrating day with chronic pain, but I find myself feeling so blessed to have such strong intelligent female doctors. I think about Joanne too and her strength and the day gets a little easier”.

 “Joanne” is Lady Gaga’s middle name after her aunt  who died from lupus at the age of 19 before the singer was even born.  Although they never met, Lady Gaga has always felt a connection to her late aunt, who was the inspiration for her newest album.

Nov. 17th Instagram post

With the outpouring of support from her fans she shared some of her holistic pain management remedies that keep her active lifestyle active.

November 18th Instagram Post

I was so overwhelmed by the empathy, confessions & personal stories of chronic pain in response to my previous post I thought what the hell. Maybe I should just share some of my personal remedies I’ve acquired over the past five years. Everyone’s body and condition is different U should consult w ure Dr. but what the heck here we go! When my body goes into a spasm one thing I find really helps is infrared sauna. I’ve invested in one. They come in a large box form as well as a low coffin-like form and even some like electric blankets! You can also look around your community for a infrared sauna parlor or homeopathic center that has one. I combine this treatment with marley silver emergency blankets (seen in the photo) that trap in the heat and are very cheap, reusable and effective for detox as well as weight loss! In order to not overheat my system and cause more inflammation i follow this with either a VERY cold bath, ice bath (if u can stand it, it’s worth it) or the most environmentally savvy way is to keep many reusable cold packs in the freezer ( or frozen peas’ n carrots’!) and pack them around the body in all areas of pain. Hope this helps some of you, it helps me to keep doing my passion, job and the things I love even on days when I feel like I can’t get out of bed. Love you and thank you for all your positive messages.

A photo posted by xoxo, Joanne (@ladygaga) on Nov 18, 2016 at 3:45pm PST


I was so overwhelmed by the empathy, confessions & personal stories of chronic pain in response to my previous post I thought what the hell. Maybe I should just share some of my personal remedies I’ve acquired over the past five years. Everyone’s body and condition is different U should consult w ure Dr. but what the heck here we go! When my body goes into a spasm one thing I find really helps is infrared sauna. I’ve invested in one. Infrared sauna kits have changed my life.

According to the National Institute of Neurological disorders and stroke, chronic pain is described as: “Chronic pain persists. Pain signals keep firing in the nervous system for weeks, months, even years. There may have been an initial mishap — sprained back, serious infection, or there may be an ongoing cause of pain — arthritis, cancer, ear infection, but some people suffer chronic pain in the absence of any past injury or evidence of body damage. Many chronic pain conditions affect older adults.   A person may have two or more co-existing chronic pain conditions.  Such conditions can include chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, inflammatory bowel disease, interstitial cystitis, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and vulvodynia.”

Chronic pain can cause depression because sufferers feel hopeless in controlling the pain that impacts every part of their life.   Those looking for resources to manage their chronic pain the American Chronic Pain Association is an excellent resource to take back your body with life strategies to alleviate pain.

Related Article:  Managing Chronic Pain: 11 Coping Tips – WebMD

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